Local Music Opportunities
Soli deo gloria choral & handbell choirs, art
Soli Deo Gloria is a vocal choir and handbell choir program that also meets on Thursdays at Bethesda Lutheran in Eau Claire. Your homeschooled students from grades 1-12 can participate in vocal choir, handbell/chime choirs, and there are also ART classes for all ages available. Registration for fall and spring semesters are released on the Chippewa Valley Homeschool forum at https://www.homeschool-life.com/249/ at the SDG Registration Tab at the top.
private lessons
Kelly Wohlbier gives private lessons on all instruments at her home in Chippewa Falls. She is a licensed band teacher that used to be a full-time band director but now works part-time in the schools and teaches private lessons in her home or over zoom. Her number is 715-295-0871. She is happy to teach a few lessons to get your child started or consistent lessons.
Samantha Kelly gives private violin lessons. She can be contacted at mybeautifulredemption@gmail.com
Schmitt Music and Eckroth Music have lists of local teachers.
Wilkinson Music is an excellent studio for piano, strings, and flute.
The Chippewa Valley Music Teacher Association is another option for finding instructors.
the jam
The Jam is a teen music community (7th-12th grades) that exists to empower and equip young people in the teamwork of playing and creating music. We want to be ennoble young musicians to contribute to the community with their musical talent and knowledge in order to serve and be salt to the earth.
This is a safe community to try and learn new instruments and/or improve upon instruments you already play through the breakdown of popular songs and "jamming out" together weekly as well as occasional coordinated events and open mic nights.
Youth that participate in the Jam also learn the basics of stage tech, production, and equipment management and repair.
Their website is located at https://www.collectiveartsec.org/thejam